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A scandalous, damnable and absurd hoax turns into the truth, the president supports the introduction of administrative conscription

President Pavel supported the possibility of introducing administrative conscription into the army. It is not to be a renewal of compulsory military service

The need for increased defence spending should respect the state of public finances and the future needs of the state. President Petr Pavel supported the possibility of introducing administrative levies into the army to give the state an overview of who it can count on for the defence of the state. According to the president, who was chief of the army general staff, conscription cannot be seen as a precursor to the restoration of basic military service. Pavel made the remarks on the Five Minutes to Twelve programme, which aired today on Nova television.

Source : https://domaci.hn.cz/prezident-pavel-podporil-moznost-zavedeni-administrativnich-odvodu-do-armady-nema-jit-o-obnovu-povinne-vojenske-sluzby
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