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Police officers who have been sitting in the office for 15 years also receive cash benefits for effort and risk as a second pension

Beloved and hated retirements. How much does the state pay former members of the armed forces? They sometimes trump their pension by several times.

Last year the state paid CZK 12 501 349 000 in so-called retirement benefits to former members of the armed forces. The retirement allowance is due to a former member after his or her retirement after the number of years of service. If the amount of the retirement pension exceeds the pension assessed, the recipient is paid the difference between the pension and the annuity to make up the difference. The highest retirement pension in the Czech Republic exceeds CZK 100,000 by one hundred thousand and is paid to a former member of the Prison Service. The retirement annuity is payable to members of the security forces and the armed forces who served in them in a so-called service relationship.

Source : https://ekonomickydenik.cz/milovane-a-nenavidene-vysluhy-kolik-stat-plati-byvalym-prislusnikum-ozbrojenych-slozek/
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