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Brno city councils have a new bank, the municipality gives interest on loans for repairs of municipal flats

Brno plays bank, wants to give only loans with interest to its own neighbourhoods

The town halls of the city districts of Brno are now out of luck. As in the past, they will no longer be able to get interest-free loans for repairs of municipal flats from the municipal council’s coffers. Brno’s management will now start calculating the interest on these loans, thanks to which it will secure new revenues for its own housing construction projects. But exceptions to the “same rules for all” are already being born. The first to deal with an interest-bearing loan from the city is Brno’s Židenice, which asked the municipality for money to reconstruct an apartment building in the Juliánov district.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/brno-mestske-casti-pujcky-urok-rekonstrukce-bytove-domy
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