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It was never about improving the situation, after 30 years of caring for her daughter after Prague City Hall made parking expensive more again

Prague City Hall has made parking expensive. But it hasn’t improved life in the district by a single crown

Quietly, without any announcement or notice, Prague 6 raised the price for short-term parking. The hourly rate went up from twenty to fifty crowns. Just like that. Not a single crown has been added to the lives of local residents. To this day, since the introduction of parking zones, Prague has no real offer for the “original” Praguers who have jobs in the capital and the whole extended family, including grandparents. Yet it is the native Praguers who are well aware of the benefits of public transport and have been used to it all their lives.

Source : https://archiv.hn.cz/radnice-v-praze-zdrazila-parkovani-zivot-ve-ctvrti-ale-nezlepsila-ani-o-korunu
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