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He said, “I’m very optimistic…” and then he said it over and over again, the Czechs put a strong card in the European Commission

I’m very optimistic…

The Czechs were reminded of the Good Soldier Swordsman when their newly appointed European Commissioner resigned and created a completely new figure of speech. They say it is healthy to laugh. And perhaps it is especially healthy to be able to laugh at yourself. And that is what the Czechs are doing these days. They are laughing at the farce that the appointment of the first Czech Commissioner has turned into. It started last month when it emerged that Prime Minister Špidla had appointed his party colleague and former Environment Minister Miloš Kužvart to the important post of Commissioner. The 45-year-old geologist and geochemist could look forward to becoming the youngest EU Commissioner.

Source : https://www.information.dk/am-very-optimistic
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