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They wanted to make a historical film, instead they made a film parody of Ján Žižka z Trocnova

Review: Cutting the head with a blunt sword. Jan Žižka shows the cruel Middle Ages, no hero found

Before he became a great and undefeated warlord, Jan Žižka roamed the woods with his friends. And director Petr Jákl made the most expensive Czech film of all time about it. The film, which hits the cinemas on Thursday, is squinting at what’s trendy in the world. It’s not a dark, historical masterpiece. But paradoxically, it may appeal to foreign audiences better than other Czech biographical dramas.

Source : https://magazin.aktualne.cz/kultura/film/jan-zizka-film-recenze/
Myth and Reality – Jan Žižka II.

Our perception of Czech history is still in the grip of the romantic 19th century. And it is as false as the “antique columns” on the facades of tenement houses from that time. From the well-known discovery in Čáslav, there are other remains belonging to Žižek’s calva – a femur and a part of a rib. From the length of the bone of 45 cm, we can deduce the height of a person of about 170 cm, i.e. an above-average stature at that time. However, the head of the joint is separated from the bone, so it is possible that the bone /and the person/ could have been a few millimetres taller. Another well-known anthropologist, Prof. Jindřich Matiegka, concluded in 1910 that the rib fragment (14 mm wide) belonged to a “stronger person”.

Source : https://jaroslavkonas2.blog.idnes.cz/680922
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