Judge’s business: he acquired houses that were auctioned off by bailiffs for a few thousand
Criminal Judge Radomír Koudela. He said he did not know that he was not allowed by law to participate in the foreclosure auction. He said the four residents of the building had agreed on a rent of CZK 5 500 per month at a petrol station where they met with Radomír Koudela, a criminal judge at the Zlín branch of the Regional Court in Brno. It was his wife who auctioned off the barely habitable house in Těšík for 300,000 in 2015. Now the property is part of a business that, according to Seznam Zprav, the judge and his wife run. They buy the houses of indebted people at foreclosure auctions and then sell or rent them out.
Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/celovky-a-neprizpusobivi-jak-soudce-s-manzelkou-vedou-byznys-s-realitami