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Shocking revelation in the title of the show, the band Kabat plays agrometal and most of the inhabitants are hillbillies

The new Agrometal series: It will also feature the band Kabat or Pagáčová

Even though it’s the holiday season and many celebrities are enjoying a cool dip in the sea, the band Kabát, led by Pepa Vojtek, is sweating in the recording studio. “We are working on our twelfth album and we are in the final stages, so to speak. Here at Prima we’ve popped in to do a small part in the new series Agrometal and it’s a welcome refreshment after the days we’ve been cooped up in the studio,” Pepa Vojtek told Herminapress.cz.

Source : https://www.extra.cz/novy-serial-agrometal-bude-v-ne-hrat-i-kapela-kabat-nebo-pagacova

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