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Conservative Christian MP had acute pain, booked a massage on an erotic dating site

MP on rape accusation: I deny the accusation, it was just a massage

He admits to having booked a massage twice. In an interview with Seznam Zprávy, however, MP Jiří Navrátil denied that any sexual activity or even violence took place. Police are investigating a report by a masseur who accused KDU-ČSL MP Jiří Navrátil of rape. The politician, who publicly declared in the autumn that he is homosexual, denies all the accusations. He found the masseur on an erotic website, which he explains was because he was looking for someone who would be willing to come to his home quickly when he had acute back pain.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/poslanec-o-narceni-ze-znasilneni-obvineni-popiram-byla-to-jen-masaz
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