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Actors from the Danube series stood up for the editors of Markiza, one in a German Nazi uniform

Actors from the Danube stand up for the editors of Markíza, another well-known face of the series expressed support for free media

The editors who have stood up for the presenter of Na telo Michal Kovačič in Markiza are joined by actors from the series and other collaborators of the station. On Wednesday, among others, the most famous faces of the currently most watched Slovak series Dunaj did so. “We stand behind our colleagues – employees, collaborators and the news editorial staff of Markiza TV. We, the faces from entertainment formats, do not care how the situation in the newsroom develops. We respect free journalism, which is a key democratic pillar in the entire civilised world,” wrote Petra Dubayová, Emil Horváth, Jakub Jablonský, Jana Kovalčíková, Jana Majeská, Petra Polnišová, Marek Rozkoš and Kristína Svarinská in their statement.

Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/herci-z-dunaja-sa-postavili-za-redaktorov-markizy-podporu-slobodnym-mediam-vyjadrila-dalsia-znama-tvar-serialu/
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