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Říčany sparked a debate, they placed a sculpture that looks like copulating rats near the primary school

Copulating rats on the building of the Czech Post outrage

Another work has now appeared on the building of the Czech Post Office in Říčany. And it is not only the social networks in Říčany that are flooded with discussions, locals are stopping by the site and taking photos. Some are outraged, others are amused. “And the mice having sex on the roof of the post office? A few meters from the elementary school? Is that part of the exhibition?” appeared, for example, on the Facebook page of Říčany, where the town informed about the exhibition. “If you approve such a perversion in the square, next to the church and the school, you are weird,” another comment read. Another mentioned that he apparently had a different idea about art.

Copulating rats Říčany
Statue of copulating rats in Říčany
Source : https://www.prahain.cz/zivot-ve-meste/kopulujici-krysy-na-budove-ces
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