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Slovak TV Markiza took a month to give notice to Michal Kovačič, in a live broadcast he explained his own views

‘For telling the truth’. Markiza TV has fired its presenter Kovacic, criticising the management

Slovakia’s most-watched television station, Markíza, has fired its presenter Michal Kovačič, who criticized the station’s management in a live broadcast in May and also warned against the so-called “Orbanization” of the media in Slovakia, i.e., the possible acquisition of control over the media by the government, following the example of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Kovačič himself, who is also a trade union leader at Markiz, announced his dismissal on social media. He stated in this context that without the consent of the trade union, the dismissal is invalid in such a case. The trade unions at Markiza stood up for him.

Source : https://www.irozhlas.cz/markiza-televize-michal-kovacic-slovensko
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