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High craftsmanship came to Trenčín Pohoda, 29-year-old Piešt’any lost his life after the arena collapsed

Arena collapsed at Pohoda, one victim, two in danger of death

A strong wind and a storm tragically ended the biggest Slovak festival, the Trenčín Pohoda, shortly after 4 pm yesterday. The accident claimed the life of a 29-year-old Piešt’an man. During the concert, the tent was lifted and in a few seconds it collapsed on hundreds of people who were under it. Only the indoor stage remained in place. Dozens of people remained under the tent, overwhelmed by the structure. The accident claimed the life of a 29-year-old Piešt’an man, police vice-president Stanislav Jankovič confirmed.

Source : https://hnonline.sk/style/na-pohode-sa-zrutila-arena-jedna-obet-dvaja-v-ohrozeni-zivota
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