The Czech Republic would profit from another exodus of young Slovaks. Will the elections accelerate it?
In Slovakia, unlike the Czech Republic with its government holidays, they will not rest from politics for a minute, with only nine weeks left until the early elections, which will again be fatal for the country. Meanwhile, the campaign is gathering breath ahead of September’s finale with billboards, voter-baiting on social media and at rallies, pre-election debates and a tough battle between pro-Russian Robert Fico and the Democrats. Petr Šabata: The Czech Republic would profit from another exodus of young Slovaks. It will be accelerated by the elections. More interesting, however, is the parallel non-partisan campaign, which responds to a fundamental problem in Slovakia that has never been so evident in the Czech Republic – the flight of young people from the country. The bureaucratic government of Ľudovít Ódor put it bluntly in its programme statement: the young generation is leaving abroad en masse and few will return.
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